What is Defi 3.0 Multichain farming & Buyback to liquidity

The farming and buyback system is the most valuable component of LUNACASH.

5% of all buys & 5% of all sales go to the RFV farming/buyback wallet. Unlike other projects these funds do not sit idle.

The funds are bridged to other EVM-compatible blockchains - like Avalanche, Fantom, Solana, Metis, Polygon, etc. to farm at the highest APY farms and the profits are then returned back to the RFV fund. So the RFV fund will grow exponentially with at least 100% additional value a year.

Buybacks & Burn function will use this RFV fund to support the LUNACASH price.

Previous buybacks can be viewed on the "Buyback History" panel in the dashboard.

During a buyback, $LCASH tokens are bought back, paired with $BNB, and "burnt" to the $LUCASH/$BNB PancakeSwap V2 liquidity pool.

This not only increases the token price, but it also increases the pair's liquidity.

There are two major accomplishments here:

  1. First of all, you no longer need to always keep up with the latest and greatest farms across all these different blockchains. You can just buy the LCASH, relax, hold, and reap the earnings via 1.02% daily reward or a compounding 1000.20% APY and buybacks from farming rewards.

  2. When the price falls after a sell, 5% of the sale will be invested in aggressive yield farms that will be used for a future and powerful compounded buyback.

Last updated